DBA “Bellingham Hot Spot”
In consideration of being permitted to use the sauna and/or cold plunge provided by SAUNA WHERE YOU WANNA., LLC (DBA “Bellingham Hot Spot”), I, the undersigned, agree to the following:
Voluntary Participation:
I understand and acknowledge that my participation in sauna and/or cold plunge activities is entirely voluntary. I represent that I am in good physical condition and do not suffer from any condition that would prevent or limit my ability to safely participate. I understand that sauna and cold plunge use involves risks, including but not limited to heat stroke, burns, dehydration, heart attack, and other serious injuries. If I have any medical conditions (including but not limited to) heart disease, respiratory issues, diabetes, pregnancy, metal pins or rods, artificial joints, surgical implants including silicone, or am taking prescription medication, I have consulted with a physician regarding the risks of using these facilities prior to participating.
Assumption of Risk:
I acknowledge that the use of saunas and cold plunges carries inherent risks that cannot be entirely eliminated, even with the highest level of care. These risks include, but are not limited to, falls, slips, temperature shock, burns, drowning, physical exertion, and bodily injury. I knowingly and voluntarily assume all risks, both known and unknown, associated with the use of the sauna and/or cold plunge.
Release and Waiver:
I hereby release, discharge, and covenant not to sue Sauna Where You Wanna, LLC (DBA “Bellingham Hot Spot”), its owners, employees, agents, contractors, and representatives (collectively, "the Released Parties") from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, or causes of action arising out of or related to any injury, death, or property damage I may suffer in connection with my use of the sauna and/or cold plunge, whether arising from the negligence of the Released Parties or otherwise, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Indemnity and Hold Harmless:
I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Sauna Where You Wanna, LLC (DBA “Bellingham Hot Spot”) and the Released Parties from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, costs, or expenses (including attorneys' fees) arising out of or in connection with my use of the sauna and/or cold plunge or my failure to comply with any terms of this Agreement. This indemnification applies regardless of whether the claims arise from the negligence of the Released Parties.
Medical Disclaimer:
I understand that the Company does not provide medical advice or supervision, and I take full responsibility for my health and well-being. If I experience any discomfort, dizziness, nausea, or other adverse symptoms during the use of the sauna or cold plunge, I agree to exit the facility immediately and seek medical attention as needed.
Prohibited Conduct:
I understand that the following conduct is strictly prohibited:
The consumption of alcohol, use of drugs, or intoxication while using the sauna or cold plunge;
Smoking or vaping in or around the sauna or cold plunge area;
The use of the sauna or cold plunge by persons under the age of 18 without adult supervision;
Any participant who has any health, mobility, or any other condition which requires assistance of another person, regardless of age, to be accompanied by another adult participant at all times.
If you have an open wound, you are not permitted to use the sauna.
No nudity or inappropriate behavior in or around the sauna or cold plunge area;
Wearing jewelry or any metal items that may cause burns or injury in the sauna.
Phones or electronics can be damaged by heat and therefore their use in the sauna is not suggested.
NO Fire accelerants of any kind (propane, butane, gasoline, diesel or any other flammables)
Safety Guidelines:
I agree to follow all safety instructions provided by Sauna Where You Wanna, LLC, including but not limited to:
Participants are to sauna in 10-15 min increments and no longer than three consecutive increments, or 45 total minutes, at a time.;
Participants should drink plenty of water before, during, and after using the sauna; and eating at least 1-2 hours before sauna use is advised
Be aware that direct contact with any surface of the heating stove may cause serious injury. Surfaces include: Exterior metal stove lid and surrounding protective flashing, Interior stove surfaces and hot rocks, interior/exterior chimney flue surfaces and exhaust gasses.
Sauna Rocks may cause serious injury, gently and slowly add water on sauna rocks using long armed wooden ladle to avoid burns or steam injuries
Do not use any lotions, make-up or chemicals prior to the sauna session. These items may block pores and affect perspiration as well as stain the wood in the sauna or cause irritation to other guests.
Enter and exit the sauna and cold plunge in a safe manner, being mindful of slippery surfaces;
Exit sauna or cold plunge Immediately if feeling faint, dizzy, nauseous, or uncomfortable.
Sauna interior is vented for natural air movement - if internal temperatures become uncomfortable, open the sauna door and vents to release any excess heat.
Group Use and Responsibility:
If I am booking on behalf of a group, I assume responsibility for ensuring that all participants have read, understood, and signed this waiver before using the facilities. I agree to inform all participants of the safety guidelines and ensure that they adhere to the terms outlined in this waiver.
Right to Refuse Service:
Sauna Where You Wanna, LLC (DBA “Bellingham Hot Spot) reserves the right to refuse service or deny admission to any person, including individuals who are intoxicated, disruptive, or pose a safety risk to themselves or others. Refunds will not be provided for refusal of admission.
Washington State Law and Jurisdiction:
This waiver and any disputes arising under it shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington. Any litigation or arbitration arising out of this agreement shall be filed in a court of competent jurisdiction within Washington state.
By signing this Agreement form below, I certify that I have read and understood all of its terms and that I am signing it freely and voluntarily. I acknowledge that this Agreement includes a release of liability and indemnity that legally prevents me or my heirs from suing Sauna Where You Wanna, LLC (DBA Bellingham Hot Spot) for any injuries or damages related to my use of the sauna and/or cold plunge facilities.